A New Megumin Figure!

figures Apr 27, 2021

...in my collection.

The figure itself is actually an open box from Amazon, but figured why not? I don't necessarily mind getting pre-owned. So... what did it look like? Let's see~

Not the most appealing box

The box that it came in wasn't in the worst condition possible, but definitely not in mint condition.

You can definitely see there's some rough edges around. Not to mention there's the Amazon stickers on it, but that doesn't bug me much. Now let's see the figure itself...


Close up, you can see the some of the details of the figure.

There's some visible seams on the hair in various places, and you can see that the yellow trim on the cape is scuffed in some places. Compared to some figure clones though, I'm happy with this. Definitely displayable with other figures. Unfortunately I don't have any other KonoSuba figures (yet), so I'll keep an eye out for an Aqua figure, maybe.

It's not a bad prize figure for the price or if you like Megumin.
