Anime Midwest 2018
My first real cosplay
So... I've been to a few conventions before. Native to the Chicagoland area is the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), which I first went to in 2016. The year after, I went back to C2E2 for another go. I've been into anime for a while ever since my brothers introduced me to Flame of Recca and Fullmetal Alchemist. But seeing an entire crowd of people all geeking out about comics and stuff - wow, it was amazing.
I did what everyone else would have done. That's right, spend money buying a shirt or two, and grabbed a few figures. Oh, and look, a lot of looking. Not just at the pretty merchandise that was available on the dealer tables but also at the people attending. It's the first time I got to see cosplayers in real life. Of course, I'm a bit camera-averse so I didn't really ask cosplayers for a photo op, but I remember being amazed at all the effort they put into dressing up for that weekend.
I suppose something about that stuck to me since not too long afterwards, I started considering what would happen if I do my first cosplay. Something more than wearing an anime shirt ideally.
It didn't happen overnight. But luckily, in 2018, I ended up planning on going to Anime Midwest instead. This was like C2E2... but like at least 99% more Anime-focused which was a huge plus for me. I don't care too much about the Western comic portion of C2E2, no offense. It's the Japanese culture that always ends up tickling my fancy.
So you might be wondering (if you haven't been spoiled by that image above yet), what would a first time cosplayer cosplay as?
If you thought maybe a simple wig and maybe a shirt, then bzzt! not quite.

Why not start off with a bang! and cosplay as Elias Ainsworth from The Ancient Magus' Bride? And that's what I set out to do.
Armed with a 3D printer, access to two-day Amazon prime shipping, a couple trips to Michaels, Home Depot and a few other places, I was able to rig this costume up in a few weeks somehow.
The helmet mask is mostly 3D printed with the horns made out of a sort of paper-mache made of plaster. The staff was based off a long dowel and a 3D print on top and yes -- I'm aware that's Chise's staff. I thought it looked cooler, okay?!. Other than that, there were a few things I had to buy premade that didn't exactly fit but was adequate enough, like that bathrobe (that I still kinda use today, so that's a plus).

I'd say it looked alright.
What also stood out would be the number of people who recognized my cosplay. Granted, there were quite a few other Elias (Eliases?) out there, but still it was pretty cool to hear someone randomly shout:
Elias! Aaaahhh!
Not to mention it was a pretty cool experience having others ask you for a picture instead of the other way around.

My brothers and I also did something that wasn't available at C2E2. Yes, yes. It was the maid cafe. Now don't get me wrong, I actually liked it even though I was kinda embarrased the whole time I was there.

But hey, we got a Polaroid souvenir so that was worth it I think.
Would I do it again?
Yes. Without a doubt. I've learned so much and can't stop now. I'm writing this from the future so I already know that I cosplayed again the following year, but that rush you feel after cosplaying is pretty intense too. AMid happens around July so you could imagine how hot it gets wearing that set up but with a few fans and a lot of water breaks I was able to push through.
And that is exactly what I did for Anime Midwest 2019... cough.