Figure Dump: Figma and Nendoroids

figures Apr 29, 2021

Just dumping pictures of some of my old figures that's been collecting dust. I decided to return most of them to their box while I figure out how to reorganize them all.

Figma Figures

Figmas from Max Factory are slightly more pricier than EXQ figures and prize figures at about $40-80, and with good reason. They're usually a bit more detailed, and have posable joints and swappable face expressions.

I'm kind of guilty of trying out Figma clones, but 100% of the time you can tell just by how the figure moves if it's real or not and it's basically a night and day difference.


Looking at the ALO Asuna above, you might be able to see the paint imperfections on the right arm. Usually every now and then there are some imperfections, but on Asuna, there's pretty bad paint smearing and the joints look very off where it looks like the plastic wasn't cut correctly. There are some details on the jacket that look pretty bad up close as well, such as the blue outline near her chest.

At one point in time I did have these figures on display but the issue is that they're often very weak. Real Figma figures won't break apart if you merely nudge them around but some of the figures above would collapse if you look at it a certain way. I wouldn't recommend trying out a clone Figma if you were looking for a budget figure – stick with EXQ or prize figures, or save up and buy one legitimate one that you really want!

And now, legitimate Figmas!

Bought this Rin off someone on Reddit. Another character I really liked.

Tsuruya was a pre-owned from eBay that I'm pretty sure is a legit figure. I didn't run into any loose joint issues, and her clothes look on point, albeit a bit dusty.


Ah, Nendoroids. Basically similar to Figmas, as they retain some posability and swappable faces but this time in a chibi form. From Good Smile Company, Nendoroid price wise are pretty similar to Figmas, hovering around $50 a piece. Unlike Figmas, I have more legitimate figures than clones here.

Really love these two figures where I actually have them on my work desk, although that's currently stuck there for now in a COVID-19 world. One of these day's I'll pick them back up and bring them home.

Picked up this Mario one on sale one day from Best Buy.
Ordinal Scale Asuna and Yui! This one was bought when I visited San Francisco.

And last but not least, my most recent Nendoroid --

Kizuna Ai!

Technically she's a Nendoroid Doll with actual clothes made out of fabric.

Currently she's the figure on my desk at home.

And now...

Nendoroid Clones!

Similar to Figmas, I would still suggest getting a real one if possible, but these are better clones than Figma clones. I wouldn't expect any of the customizations though, if I had to be honest.

Another copy of some sorts, this time of a Magical Snow ver. of Miku. Apparently the legitimate one has a hat as well, so I would get that if I ever find a good deal on one.

There's actually smaller versions of Nendoroids, called Nendoroid Petit.

Though in hindsight, the Chihaya above might not be a Nendoroid Petit, but rather similar to one of these --

Either way, I think Petit figures are nice additions to your collection, though I'd probably start with something bigger at first.
