Foodstuffs: April 2020
Here's some stuff this month
Baked Churros
Someone suggested I make churros and I figured, why not try making some baked churros. I know, it kind of sounds weird but surprisingly it was... okay.

I'd argue the hardest part was probably the fact that I didn't have a proper piping bag for this in order to get the ridged texture. The cut-a-Ziploc-bag technique was okay, though they ended up becoming more like mini logs.

Still, after baking it for a while and then dredging it in butter and a cinnamon-sugar mixture it tasted pretty good. In hindsight, I should've cooked it a bit longer but it was passable as it was.

Cookies v.38
Okay, I don't know exactly which iteration of cookie dough this is so I just gave it a random number. The ratio of chocolate chip to dough was a bit low in this one and the shots a bit bright, but it's good.

Filipino Spaghetti
If you haven't tried Filipino-style spaghetti then it might be worth trying. Contrary to the standard Italian-style, Filipino-style has a hint of sweetness through the banana ketchup that's used to sweeten a standard tomato sauce with optional cheese.

Pineapple Fried Rice
Okay, hold up. I didn't know this was a thing until we randomly ordered from a nearby Chinese restaurant that was open and saw they had Pineapple fried rice on the menu. Actually, it turns out it tasted pretty good and ended up making my own batch a few days later. I ended up tossing shrimp, sausage, peas, pineapple, bacon and eggs together with some rice and soy sauce and ta-da! ❇

Mini Cupcakes
Nothing too special here. Just some chocolate chip and blueberry mini cupcakes because I suddenly wanted some one day.

Bulgogi, Smelt and Mussels
This was a pretty interesting one. We ended up getting pre-marinated bulgogi beef from H Mart, my brother added some fried salt and pepper smelt fish and I whipped up some baked cheese-mayo mussels albeit out of shell.

I swear each time I make these I'm excited to see how they turn out and every time I'm tired as heck by the end. This time was no exception. I ended up making custard filled taiyaki which is basically a fish-shaped cake with filling inside of it. This pan mold is okay but it's pretty easy to overfill and have dough spewing out the sides and causing a mess.