Foodstuffs: Summer 2020

Aug 3, 2020

Here's some stuff this season

Not sure why, I didn't really feel like cooking many new things during the summer, but here's some:

Tres Leches

Or "Three Milks". It's a cake made using various types of milk. Probably not super legit, but tasted pretty good. Definitely would've used a boxed cake mix instead of the butter cake mix as this recipe called for. To be fair, I was just trying to use up some of the milk in the fridge.


After you have your cake base, you just mix all three types of milk, pour it over, and top it with whipped cream. Cinnamon was extra.


Korean / Oriental Melon

Didn't know how to even eat these at first, but apparently you can just slice em up and you're good. Skin is edible.


Fish... stick thing... fish cakes?

Okay these are actually not that bad. I wanted to try it ever since someone sent me a picture of it. Turns out you can just fry it as-is or with some eggs works too.


Flavored Coke?

I've been meaning to try the orange vanilla ones for a while after one of my brothers mentioned that it was a thing. Apparently it also comes in Coke Zero form, but I cannot find any however hard I try (even Cherry Coke Zero is practically impossible to find right now...). I dunno, it was okay.

