Hmong Naab Vaam and Hot Pot

food Sep 7, 2020

I helped my brother move to his new place and ended up with a bucket of this stuff to share with my family at home.

Lowkey, it's actually pretty good. I had to Google how it's spelled, but it reminds me of a Filipino dessert called halo-halo somehow, but with a more jelly feeling.

Apparently they make a bunch of this stuff. I could drink so much of this on a hot day.

And it wasn't that sweet either. Of course, we were provided with extra sugar syrup to make it sweeter should we choose to.


Later that day, I ended up making a little hot pot too.

In hindsight, I should've done more of a closeup too maybe?
Shiitake mushrooms!
Blub blub blub.
Fish roe was just some extra I had laying around.
