Popin' Cookin': Tamashii Waffles

Jun 21, 2020

Does this qualify as food?

I picked up another one of those Popin' Cookin' sets. I've done a few of these before and they're okay. If you don't expect too much they're actually fun little kits to play with.


This one was the tanoshii waffle kit. It kinda got my interest because it was a waffle. (I also respond to "Waffle" when someone calls me that.) If you haven't done one of these before, all you usually need is water. The kit comes with a bunch of individually packaged bags of powder that you mix in specific proportions of water and you get some gummy out of it.


Okay, I sort of lied. It would also be really nice if you had a pair of scissors as well to cut the plastic template apart. Once you cut them apart then it's time to follow the directions. Luckily this one had English text. I've done some before that were in Japanese but luckily there's translations available online and for there's also enough visual aid as well.


Mix, mix. ❇


Bam! Instant waffle.


Bam! Instant jelly.


Bam! Instant pudding.


Bam! Instant syrup.

Put it together and this is what you get.


So it's basically gummy candy in the end. I think it was supposed to be cherry jello and watermelon pudding. It was pretty okay and sugary. Definitely worth the few bucks.


In comparison, here's the donut set I made a few years ago:

