Strawberry Oatmeal Bars

Jun 12, 2020

Mm, strawberries.

Original recipe:

The short of this was that there was a bunch of strawberries in the fridge that were starting to go bad because it was sour and no one really want to eat them. I was thinking of making a strawberry cake maybe but ended up making these oatmeal bars instead.

I started by macerating as many of the strawberries as I could (dicing them and sprinkling sugar on it and letting it rest for a bit) for about ~30 minutes.


With an oven preheating to 375 F, I mixed the oats, flour, brown sugar, ginger, and salt according to the recipe.


Once that's done, I mixed together the melted butter. I ended up adding a bit more olive oil since it looked like there was too much dry ingredients (I didn't really measure as accurately as I usually did).


Next was pressing half of the crumble onto a prepared 8x8" pan.


A bit of strawberries here, some lime juice (didn't have lemon...) and some cornstarch here (I probably could have sprinkled less but more evenly, but whatever) and we have most of the bars done.


All that's left is to sprinkle the rest of the crumble and to bake it for about 35 minutes.



Yep, looked almost the same as it was 35 minutes ago.


Still a bit warm, probably should let it cool a bit more. Tastes okay but a bit more sour than I would've liked. Would probably try again but with sweet strawberries.
