The Secretlabs Omega Chair

pc Apr 19, 2021

I've been using a Staples Hyken chair for a while and something I sort of regret was not testing it in store before purchasing it. Granted, it feels nice for the most part and I can survive long sessions sitting on it, but I'm not a big fan of the edge where your thighs rest – I can kinda feel it after a few hours or so.

In addition to the new mouse and keyboard I got recently, I ended up picking up a chair as well. Now before you jump to conclusions, I highly recommend that you do your own research first. These chairs are definitely not for everyone, and I completely agree that for most people a good ergonomic office chairs is a solid option as well. But I wanted something a bit different, and I've honestly been eyeing an Omega chair for a while so I decided, screw it – I'll get it.

I can't say I've been disappointed either. It sits really nicely now that I've had it for a few months now. I haven't had any back issues and my posture seems fine from what I can tell. The tilt function still scares me a bit when combined with the lowered back mode though.

Day 1

Oh hey, a big battered box. To be honest, it was pretty heavy so I could see it being placed at the bottom. And it was well packed on the inside so nothing arrived broken.

I ended up going with the Softweave option because I don't really like leather seats. And the cookies & cream color was really appealing to me (though to be fair the D.Va variant was also pretty tempting... though that would stand out too much in my current room setup).

Opening the box, you are welcomed with this note
Getting the base set up wasn't so bad
Underside of the chair. Most of it came pre-assembled.
Complete! I should've made my bed... oops.

I've had to request a replacement arm because I noticed that one side was very loose compared to the other, and there was no way to adjust it from a user's perspective. Luckily, the support team didn't give me much issues – I just had to snap a few pictures and a video demonstrating the issue and within a week or so, I had my replacement arm delivered.

Although it's only been four months so far, I've been enjoying the chair. It hasn't really gotten dirty either, though now that I've thought about it, maybe I'll give it a clean this weekend.
